Mleko kokosowe powstaje z miąższu orzecha kokosowego i zawiera krótkołańcuchowe kwasy tłuszczowe, mające pozytywny wpływ na organizm człowieka.Wegańskie mleko kokosowe charakteryzuje się białą barwą i gęstą, kremową konsystencją. Posiada charakterystyczny dla kokosa zapach i smak. Czasami jest mylone z wodą kokosową. W krajach azjatyckich stanowi popularny składnik w kuchni. Największą popularnością cieszy się w Tajlandii i w Indiach. W Europie dopiero zdobywa popularność.Mleko kokosowe zawiera dużą ilość składników mineralnych. W porcji 100 g zawiera się 46% dzienne zapotrzebowanie na mangan i 13% na fosfor. Mleko zawiera także magnez, żelazo, selen, witaminę C, niacynę, kwas foliowy i witaminy z grupy B.
Whey Protein Concentrate 80% (WPC 80) jest produkowany ze słodkiej serwatki w zaawansowanym procesie niskotemperaturowej ultrafiltracji. Taka obróbka redukuje pewną ilość składników niebiałkowych, aby otrzymać produkt o zawartości białka na poziomie minimum 80%. Ten proszek jest bezsmakowy i dlatego można nadać mu dowolny smak lub aromat.
Concentrado de proteína de suero instantse obtiene mediante un proceso avanzado de separación de ultrafiltración de lactosa a baja temperatura, de modo que las proteínas en el suero de leche se mantienen intactas. Los concentrados de proteína de suero de leche pueden contener entre 35 y 90% de proteína. El concentado en forma de polvo tiene un sabor neutro, por lo que se le puede dar cualquier sabor u olor.
WPC (en inglés: Whey Protein Concentrate- concentrado de proteína de suero) 80 fueron utilizados en la producción de alimentos concentrados, helados, yogures, bebidas, embutidos de carne y principalmente en nutrición deportiva y alimentos funcionales.
Le concentré de protéines de lactosérum 80 % instantané (WPC 80 instantané) (WPC 80 % instantané) est produit à partir de lactosérum doux en utilisant un procédé avancé d'ultrafiltration à basse température. C'est pourquoi la plupart des protéines restent intactes. Le WPC contient environ 35 à 90 % de protéines de lait. Cette poudre n'est pas aromatisée et peut donc recevoir n'importe quelle saveur ou arôme. WPC 80 Instant est utilisé dans la production de crèmes glacées, yaourts, boissons, produits de boucherie et principalement dans la nutrition sportive. Le concentré instantané se dissout facilement même dans l'eau froide.
WPC 80 Instant est disponible en packs de 15/ 20/ 25kg ou "Big Bag" 500-1000kg.
La durée de conservation moyenne du WPC 80 Instant est d'environ 12 mois.
Teneur en protéines : min. 80 % Teneur en matière grasse : max. 8% Teneur en cendres max. 3,5 %
L'isolat de protéines de lactosérum est obtenu par concentration et purification du concentré de protéines de lactosérum afin de réduire la teneur en matières grasses et en glucides du lactosérum.
Le processus peut être conduit avec l'utilisation d'une séparation par membrane ou d'un échange d'ions. Le WPI est considéré comme un produit de la plus haute pureté et concentration de protéines.
Nutella® è una famosa crema spalmabile di cacao alle nocciole zuccherata che viene comunemente utilizzata in panini, torte e altri cibi dolci. È noto per il suo delizioso sapore dolce e ricco di noci e non contiene coloranti o conservanti artificiali. La crema spalmabile è composta da diversi ingredienti, tra cui zucchero, olio di palma, nocciole, cacao magro in polvere, latte scremato in polvere, siero di latte in polvere, lecitine emulsionanti (di soia) e vanillina.
Nutella® ha una durata di conservazione di 12 mesi ed è disponibile in barattoli da 350 g, 600 g o 750 g, con confezioni da 24 disponibili per l'acquisto.
Foodcom S.A. distribuisce Nutella® a una serie di entità, tra cui grossisti alimentari, distributori di prodotti di marca, importatori, esportatori e catene di vendita al dettaglio.
Experience the unique combination of milk chocolate and crunchy hazelnuts, illustrated with a PZL P.24 aircraft. This product is not only delicious, but also stands out with its unique design. The illustration on the packaging adds even more character, and the included sticker is an added bonus for souvenir collecting enthusiasts. Try this chocolate and feel how taste and quality create an unforgettable experience
Families bathed in delicate chocolate is a snack that you can reach for without much remorse.
Product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free
Experience an unforgettable taste and unleash your senses with our milk chocolate with crisps featuring an illustration of a PZL P.1 aircraft! The packaging of this delicious chocolate is decorated with a unique artwork that will carry you back in time and space. Inside you'll also find a sticker with the same picture to further add extra fun to your taste experience. Don't wait, combine the sweetness of the milk chocolate and the crunchiness of the crisp pieces to create the perfect harmony of flavours.
Topping:Chocolate chips
mmerse yourself in a sweet, melting experience with a milk chocolate with caramel illustrated with a Polish PZL P.11 aircraft! The product is a blend of fine chocolate and caramelized sugar, creating the perfect harmony of flavours. The packaging is decorated with an original depiction of one of our favourite aircraft. Inside you'll also find a sticker with a picture to keep the aviation charm with you for longer. Try our milk chocolate with caramel and indulge yourself in a moment of sweet delight
Get ready for an unforgettable taste experience with milk chocolate that is not only delicious but also beautifully packaged. The box is decorated with an illustration of an RWD 8 aircraft, and inside there is a sticker with the same graphic. The chocolate is a combination of a traditional recipe and a modern design, so it will delight in both its taste and appearance. Make yourself a treat and experience something special.
Take your taste experience to heights with the CocoWing series of milk chocolate with cornflakes! Let the chocolate sweetness be further enhanced by the wonderful illustration of a Polish PWS 26 aircraft, which adorns the packaging and the product sticker. Have your favourite dessert and feel like flying through the clouds with CocoWing!
Step into another dimension of taste with the milk chocolate containing delicate chunks of orange peel, packaged in a box illustrated with the RWD 5 aeroplane. This chocolate will not only delight with its taste, but will also set itself apart on the shelf thanks to the unique illustration on the packaging
Rhubarb is the taste of summer and compotes, everyone loves it. Have you ever thought of dipping it in milk chocolate? We did it. Today we know that these two ingredients liked each other very much and taste great.
Product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free
Let him raise his hand who is always looking in vain for hazelnuts in a chocolate bar. Fortunately, we are! We have solved this problem and we offer you what you are looking for
Product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free
Rhubarb is the taste of summer and compotes, everyone loves it. Have you ever thought of dipping it in milk chocolate? We did it. Today we know that these two ingredients liked each other very much and taste great.
Product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free
Let him raise his hand who is always looking in vain for hazelnuts in a chocolate bar. Fortunately, we are! We have solved this problem and we offer you what you are looking for
Product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free
Everyone is interested in the cosmos, from an early age to full maturity, each of us sees something great in it. Find your inner child and munch on this corn snack.
product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free
Everyone is interested in the cosmos, from an early age to full maturity, each of us sees something great in it. Find your inner child and munch on this corn snack.
Product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free
Delicate, mild, subtle coconut combined with Belgian milk chocolate. We know this heavenly connection. Be careful.. It's addictive :)Shelf life: 12 months Are you among the people who adhere to the ZERO WASTE principle? Choose a 1000g loose packaging and enjoy the sweetness of our products longer.
product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free
Delicate, mild, subtle coconut combined with milk chocolate. We know this heavenly connection. Be careful. Coconut cubes in milk chocolate are addictive :)
product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free